Make a career-defining move

Meet the best founders from seed through growth

Apply to attend the FYSK Showcase in person in SF on Nov 13, 2024

What Founders Are Saying



"I did a 5 minute presentation, met talented attendees in person, and ended up with over 70 new connections to engineers and business operators looking to join a new company right now."


Unit 21

"The quality of hires we made from FYSK saved me hundreds of hours on sourcing, pitching, interviewing, and closing talent. Useful for hiring ambitious, entrepreneurial engineers!"


Echo Labs

"I'm floored by the talent density FYSK has cultivated - many of these engineers are genuinely 99th percentile in quality in extremely competitive areas."

Career Opportunities Abound

FYSK Database

Learn more about the best companies we've featured at previous showcase events

What Attendees are Saying

Senior Software Eng

FAANG Company

"The startup pre-filtering was the most valuable part to me. I was able to meet many talented founders, and like-minded people who are also looking for startup jobs."

Machine Learning Eng

MIT, BS Physics

"It's amazing to me that I was able to make a career transition after only spending a couple of hours at FYSK. By far the most natural and talent filled networking event I've been to."

Operations Specialist

a16z startup

"I found a few organizations I was interested in joining and had the chance to meet their CEOs. I fell in love with a company and their founder and was able to land my dream job because of FYSK!"

Great people know great people

Nominate a Founder

While great founders can come from anywhere, our referral networks often point us toward the best

Upcoming Showcases

San Francisco



San Francisco

JAN 2025


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The Team



"The Gertrude
Stein of
Silicon Valley"






"Enforcer of deadlines, powerpoint wizard, Asian grandpa"

Investment PhilosophyFounders You Should Know is a community we've curated to serve the needs of the best engineering talent looking to join a startup. We measure our impact in terms of the quality of people we connect rather than in the absolute number of connections we make. We deliberately operate at a small scale so we can dedicate more quality time helping the most talented engineers and the most interesting founders.We operate a small investment fund to support some of the founders we meet and to scale the impact of the services we offer. Most of the founders we feature at the showcase are not ones we've invested in. Often we meet these founders once they've already raised capital, but we still believe their companies represent a great opportunity for talented engineers to consider joining.When we do make investments they're usually very early. The decision to invest is primarily based on the quality of the founders and our expectation that we can be helpful in making connections to build their early teams. Since we invest so early, we explicitly choose not to exclude investments that may seem competitive. The reasoning is simple: we are a very small check, we never lead rounds, and the quality of our service isn’t diminished by investing in multiple companies in a similar space. We've also observed that while companies may appear to pursue similar visions at the outset, in executing, their paths tend to diverge.If you're building something new we'd love to hear from you. Join our community, come to our showcase, and tell us what you're excited about. If it involves software we can probably help!

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